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Author Topic: To map or not to map that is the question  (Read 32500 times)


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To map or not to map that is the question
« on: November 18, 2016, 08:54:03 AM »
Possible mapping advantages – pin pointing a location inside the kiln where you consistently find either a wet area or dry area,  which may confirm what you already suspect/know regarding a bad trap, steam valve or baffle, or poor air flow and air leaks (poor seals in kiln doors) etc.  Also, as a research tool to do kiln baselining.

Possible mapping disadvantage – If there is not an efficient method, set of procedures or the correct equipment, time used mapping could better be used for repair and maintenance on kilns.  In other words the kilns are not yet in good enough shape to benefit from mapping. Problems evaluating data (not enough time or understanding how to use it), not familiar with statistical significance,  possible inaccurate map because of out of order units (may show a wet area in the wrong location).

Offline GeorgeCulp

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Re: To map or not to map that is the question
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2016, 08:30:37 AM »
IMHO - kiln charge mapping is excellent AFTER all known variables are dealt with - fans pitched correctly and all fans pitched the same, rpm of all fans the same or are some belts slipping badly (if you don't have polychain), baffle system in excellent condition, stacking the way it should, etc., etc., etc.
In other words, eliminate all the variables that you know of then start the mapping otherwise you wont  know where to look for the problem.
Putting everything back "in spec" usually fixes a lot of issues.



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